On Sun, Apr 03, 2011 at 03:29:14AM +0300, Simos Xenitellis wrote:
> Could you please arrange it so that .el is for HTML as well?

done (will active in 20min)

For reference, the server has the following extensions defined:
application/vnd.nokia.n-gage.ac+xml             ac
application/simple-filter+xml                   cl
application/vnd.oma.dd+xml                      dd
application/vnd.oma.drm.message                 dm
application/vnd.osgi.dp                         dp
application/vnd.oma.drm.rights+xml              dr
application/vnd.bluetooth.ep.oob                ep
application/andrew-inset                        ez
application/vnd.framemaker                      fm
application/vnd.software602.filler.form+xml     fo
text/javascript                                 js
application/x-troff-me                          me
application/x-troff-ms                          ms
application/x-perl                              pl
audio/x-realaudio                               ra
application/resource-lists+xml                  rl
application/sparql-query                        rq
application/rls-services+xml                    rs
application/vnd.ibm.secure-container            sc
application/x-sh                                sh
text/vnd.wap.si                                 si
text/vnd.wap.sl                                 sl
application/vnd.sailingtracker.track            st
text/vnd.trolltech.linguist                     ts
video/x-ms-wm                                   wm
application/vnd.wv.csp+wbxml                    wv
application/vnd.olpc-sugar                      xo
application/x-xz                                xz

Anything else matching a language code? Thinking of making it ignore
most of these (except js and xz).

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