On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 10:22 -0400, Ray Strode wrote:
> Hey guys,
> One of the "holes" in the current gnome-shell ui is a lack of a
> "Restart" button.  There's been a plan to add one for a while along
> when some other design changes by putting it in the Power Off dialog.
> (see http://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Design/Whiteboards/SystemStopRestart
> ).  Now the gnome-shell and gnome-session changes are staged and ready
> to go, see:
> See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=641375
> If at all possible, it would be good to get this into GNOME 3 (so
> probably would need to land today) since the lack of a restart button
> has been somewhat contentious.  Unfortunately, the new design has
> somewhat different strings.  The main differences is we now expose a
> Restart button (but we already had a string for it in the source) and
> now we use "Power Off" instead of "Shut Down" in a few strings.
> Can we makes these changes?

The wiki isn't loading for me right now, and I'm not entirely clear on
the interface here. This is some sort of shutdown dialog?

This seems like a substantial UI freeze break during hard code freeze.
It's unlikely people in the docs team will even see this live before
3.0. We really need a detailed explanation of what happens when and
screenshots of every step.


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