2010/12/28 Mario Blättermann <mari...@gnome.org>:
> It also works for me, even I'm not a member of the Romanian team.
> Normally, if there's no translation for your language yet, Vertimus
> creates a fake *.po file from the current *.pot. This should work always
> if you are logged in to your account. If not, you get a *.pot file
> because Vertimus doesn't know in this case for which team member the
> *.po file should be created. See the line with your name and mail
> address in the file header.

I'm the Romanian team leader and I was logged in on Damned Lies.

Before sending an email here, Daniel asked me about this problem.

It happened like he said: we got a .pot instead of a .po.
After he sent the email, we got a .po as expected.

I remember seeing this bug at the beginning of the GCI.

..: Lucian
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