Le 08/10/2010 16:23, Andre Klapper a écrit :

Hi Julien,

Am Freitag, den 08.10.2010, 14:11 +0000 schrieb GNOME Status Pages:
There have been following string additions to module 'ekiga.master':
+ "Act on the selected contact"

your Ekiga commit f2b0a66bbbb3aa67b26c5eb0b58ff7a13b53f69c broke the
string freeze.

Please revert, or branch for gnome-2-32 and keep the string change only
in master.

Oups... sorry, I though we were out of freeze already. I reverted the string change (but not the string move in the file)... is that ok?

Could you please track the gnome-2-32 branch I just created?


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