On Fri, 2010-08-13 at 23:49 +0200, Gil Forcada wrote:
> == Team information ==
> 1 Which translation team are you coordinating?


> 2 How many active translators does your team have?


> 3 Which profile do the translators have, are they mostly hackers,
> linguists, a mix?

Mostly hackers with an interest in the British English language.

> 4 Are all your team members volunteers?


> 4.1 If any of your team members are paid for the translation work, by
> which kind of organization/institution?
> 5 How do you spread the word to get new contributors?

We do not, but more get involved through the gnome-uk list.

> 5.1 Have you gone to universities/high schools to reach new blood?


> == Coordinator and membership ==
> 6 Are you subscribed to the gnome-i18n[1] and devel-announce-list[2]
> mailing lists?

Just devel-announce-list.

> 6.1 If not, why?

Because en_GB translations can be considered optional.

> 7 Which communication channels do you use to coordinate translation
> activities?

gnome-uk list

> 8 What is the process of accepting new members to your team?

Showing interest in the tools we use for translation, and an eye for
detail (with a little bit of of a pedantic touch).

> 9 Is there any particular area related to your team or language in
> which you need advice or help?


> == Workflow ==
> 10 Do you run translation jams, marathons or other translation events?


> 11 How do you translate each GNOME release? Do you start just after
> the string freeze or do you weekly/monthly do some translation work?

After the string freeze

> 12 Which programs or utilities do you use for translation?

en_GB.pl as available in the gnome-i18n git repo.

> == Q&A ==
> 13 Does your team have translation guidelines, glossaries and/or
> translation memories?

Yes. We use the guidelines published on the en_GB wiki page, as well as
the Oxford English Dictionary for reference.

> 14 Does your team use any methods to keep track of translation
> problems in your language?

None other than bugzilla itself.

> 15 How does your team review translations?


> 15.1 What process do you follow when reviewing?
> 16 Have you talked with your language official institution about the
> terminology, tone and way to translate computer software?


> 17 Do you run technical QA checks (such as the translation-toolkit
> pofilter[3] tool)?


> == Damned Lies ==
> 18 Does your team use it?


> 18.1 Rating it from 1 (bad) to 5 (good), how would you evaluate the
> Damned Lies helpfulness in accomplishing your tasks?

5. It's useful to see how far the translations have gone.

> 19 Is there anything you would like to be implemented in it (i.e.
> automatic glossaries)?


> == Downstream ==
> 20 What downstream translation teams (i.e. Ubuntu, Fedora,
> openSUSE...) do you have contacts with?


> 20.1 Which kind of relation do you have with the appropriate
> downstream teams?

The Ubuntu en_GB team seems to take downstream decisions that go against
the wishes of the GNOME team.

> == Misc ==
> 21 Do you have a centralized place for translators of your language
> for coordination, communication and/or knowledge sharing?


> 22 Is there anything else you would like to add, not covered by the
> previous questions?


> 23 Would you agree with your answers or part of them being published
> online (e.g. on the GNOME Live! wiki)?


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