(07/13/10 12:36), Tao Wang-san wrote:

Before making a decision of hosting a project to gnome.org
<http://gnome.org/>, I would like to know how well gnome.org
<http://gnome.org/> supporting the generation of .pot for translation. I
was told that l10.gnome.org <http://l10.gnome.org/> cannot handle the
input strings from .c, .scm, .glade, and .schemas.in

I think .c, .glade and .schemas.in can be detected by intltool.
Unfortunately it seems .scm files are not detected.

% cd package/po
% echo > POTFILES.in
% intltool-update -m

So you might need to add .scm files in POTFILES.in by manual at the moment.
I could not find .scm files except for games(gnome-games).

The translatable strings can be extracted in your .c, .scm, .glade, and 
.schemas.in .

% cd package/po
% intltool-update -p

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