Op dinsdag 20-04-2010 om 00:17 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Wouter
> Nice to see more translator activity in the Netherlands. I'm the current
> coordinator for the Dutch translation team, and was wondering whether
> the Frisian translation
>       * could benefit from using Dutch as a fallback instead of falling
>         back to English for non-translated strings. However, I don't
>         know if this is technically possible at all.

It seems this is possible by setting an appropriate LANGUAGE environment
variable, in addition to LC_ALL. For Frysian with a Dutch fallback, this
would become:

  $ export LC_ALL=fy_NL.UTF-8
  $ export LANGUAGE=fy_NL.UTF-8:nl_NL.UTF-8

More information can be found in this section of the Gettext manual [1].

>       * should have the same style and naming conventions as the Dutch
>         translations do, since the languages are grammatically really
>         similar and the Frisian team could benefit from the experience
>         the Dutch team has. For instance, in Dutch we avoid imperatives
>         and use infinitives as much as possible, and I think the Frisian
>         translation should do that as well.

The possibility of having Dutch as a fallback (which I think is very
useful) makes it even more important to stick to the same style and

    — Wouter


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