>> + Do we use comments or context for the "Destination" and "Options"
>> labels? I think we should use comments because it is hard to use them
>> in a different context. Currently we are using contexts with "A group
>> of UI controls" as the context information.
> If "Destination" always mean a folder, then it is self-explaining. But
> if it could mean either a folder or a filename (for the archive file),
> you should distinguish between folder or file though.

It always means a folder. We don't want to burden the user with
providing a name for the archive. Instead we try to provide a name
that is intuitive and unique.

>> We also added a new string to describe the archive creation:
>> http://rishi.fedorapeople.org/pending-operations-archive.png
> In my mind, "8 of 50 completed" should be "8 of 50 files added" or "8 of
> 50 files completed".

Right. But I wanted to point out the string "Creating archive".

> Thank you for providing the screenshots!


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