> This is the first time a module uses a different translation workflow,
> that's why it seems important to me to define if this is acceptable or
> not for GNOME translation teams.

That is entirely fine and within your rights to do so. However you are
now going to the extent of questioning the right to have the Git tree
on git.gnome.org.

Also please note that many GNOME modules have trees elsewhere. eg.,
Github or Gitorius. How will you stop someone from messing with the
translations on those trees and getting them merged into
git.gnome.org? It can be intentional or just an honest mistake. The
point I am trying to make is even someone does not use a different
localization platform, the chance of non-GNOME translations making it
into git.gnome.org is always there.

> This is often the case when an implicit
> rule is "broken", it is better to make it explicit, either that the rule
> has to be enforced or that it should not.

Again, it is not clear to me which rule you are talking about. Is it a
rule about whether GNOME translators will translate modules not using
l10n.gnome.org exclusively (mind the word exclusively)? Or is it a
rule about whether the exclusive use of l10n.gnome.org is a binding
requirement for hosting on git.gnome.org?

> I have nothing to decide myself, it has to be a community decision. If
> there are objective reasons to enforce using our tool, we'll probably do
> it. But this is still not clearly established.

Again, if you do not want to translate Solang, don't do it. Blacklist
it in l10n.gnome.org, if you like. But now you are talking about
whether it is at all allowed to have the tree on git.gnome.org. For
all that I know, you can put into question whether Solang can have its
website on projects.gnome.org.

> Keep cool :-)

Changing primary Git tree locations is not a joke. There is a
significant effort involved and the consequences are not trivial.

One reason that life is complex is that it has a real part and an
imaginary part.
    -- Andrew Koenig
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