>> We already have this, called obsolete:
>> http://l10n.gnome.org/releases/obsolete/
> Ok. Not really obsolete... but with no plans of creating a new tarball
> including latest translations in the near future.

I think that is the key point here. Whether the translations that are
added after release will be used. I think, that as the standard, the
module page should always also track "all" the stable branches* for
which there is planned future releases. Actually I sort of thought
that it was already the case :| I realize that it will require a
little extra coordination work of the module maintainer, but that
should be manageable.

Regarding how to prioritize the modules in gnome-extras, we could also
have the maintainers provide ^^__**tentative**__^^ release dates, and
have it as a possibility to sort the list by these date. I will
discuss this in another e-mail.

Regards Kenneth

* For many modules I guess just one extra branch.
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