Em Qui, 2009-08-20 às 01:13 +0300, Александър Шопов escreveu:
> @Leonardo
> I will definitely contact the person. Help is needed as always. Some
> duplication of effort has occurred. I take some of the blame for missing
> these changes in damned lies.
> Is there a notification mail going to coordinators of teams when someone
> joins their team?
> The Bulgarian team has employed a svn +trac combo since June 2005 and
> thus the functionality in DL may lead to more work for me.
> Can mail messages be sent on changing, commenting, attaching
> translations via DL?
> I just checked - there are three members of our team listed in DL which
> I have never heard about. One of them is even translating. 

No email is sent when someone joins the team. This would be a nice
feature, would you please request it? DL tracks its bugs in GNOME's
Bugzilla. OTOH, DL send emails on some events: when a translation is
uploaded to DL, when someone finishes reviewing it, or when it is marked
as committed.

My team have some curious "members" as well, including a graphical
artist and a KDE translator. Some features (commenting, reserving for
translations etc.) are only available for team members, so I guess
people join just to see how does it work.

> So it seems that the interface for DL is rendering as intended. I would
> have preferred the statistics header cell to be wide enough to cover the
> visual representation of translations and not have the table header row
> broken in two. However this is not that important.

Yes, I agree it would be better. Bug report too, please? (/me is
studying other stuff right now).

Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <leonar...@gnome.org>

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