On 8/7/09, Vincent Untz <vu...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Le lundi 03 août 2009, à 16:53 +0200, Christian Rose a écrit :
> > So, as always with localization, you just can't concatenate sentences
>  > or pieces of sentences and get a result. It has to be translated as a
>  > whole.
> So it seems we have a good argument that "%1$s - %2$s" (with Name &
>  GenericName) is wrong.
>  Christian, just out of interest: is it also true for "%1$s (%2$s)" (I
>  would expect it is).

Yes. Actually, in the specific case of Swedish "%1$s (%2$s)" could
work, but it would be a lot less elegant than the whole string without
parentheses, and I can imagine other languages where it would not
work. Let's keep it simple and translate it as a whole.

>  And do you think the burden of adding a new translatable key to all
>  desktop files would be okay for translator teams?

Yes, if the changes/patches are done in time in the beginning of a new
release cycle, I think it will be acceptable by most translators.

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