Hi all!

It seems to me that ooo-build (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/ooo-build/) has
migrated to use the git infrastructure at freedesktop.org
(http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ooo-build/ooo-build), but the ooo-build guys
somehow forgot to ping the GNOME Translation Project about it.

Also see the following commit by Michael Meeks:


Michael, I hope I'm sending the message to the right person, could you
please tell GNOME translators (or point us to the appropriate person),
which way should we submit our translations for ooo-build from now on? 

I guess we should use the freedesktop.org Bugzilla, right? Or do the
ooo-build guys plan to make use of some existing l10n infrastructure, e.g.
the Translation Project (http://translationproject.org)? Or perhaps you're
going to periodically merge newly committed translations from the
existing GNOME git repository? Because the situation seems to be that GNOME
translators continue to submit their translation updates to git.gnome.org...


Best regards,
Petr Kovar
gnome-i18n mailing list

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