Marcel Telka <>, Fri, 5 Jun 2009 08:29:32 +0200: > On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 08:10:26AM +0200, Jorge González González wrote: > > El vie, 05-06-2009 a las 07:58 +0200, Marcel Telka escribió: > > > Everybody can file bugs in translations into bugzilla under the l10n > > > product (and particular component). What is the policy for such > > > bugreports? Should they be written in English only? Can a reporter use > > > his own native language for describing a bug in translation to his > > > native language? > > well, at least for Spanish team I receive bugs in both ways, I would say > > that I receive more in Spanish than in English, and I didn't see any > > complain. > > If so, then there is no reason for asking our users to use English only. > Great. Thanks.
Well, the Bugzilla interface running on speaks English, thus it makes sense using English, if not for other reasons than at least because a bug report might turn to be of interest for a larger audience than just e.g. users and/or translators of a particular language. Then you've users and potential reporters who can't or don't want to use English Bugzilla, but you don't want them to discard their reports just because is in English. That being said, a pragmatic approach would be to point such users (or all the reporters, if it's prefferred) to use ways of reporting bugs in their native language. That might be easy-to-use web form, web forum, e-mail contact, IRC channel, perhaps also your team's mailing list etc. In the end, there's usually a lack of people willing to report bugs, that applies to most of languages I think, so providing easier facility to report than is the way to go. Best, Petr Kovar _______________________________________________ gnome-i18n mailing list