2009/5/13 Takayuki KUSANO <ae5t-...@asahi-net.or.jp>:
> Hi,
> Takeshi AIHANA wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Sorry for the delay in replying to this and thanks for the consideration
>> of the replacement Japanese coordinator in GTP project.
>> Yes, this is true I declared to step down in Japanese community before,
>> and I was working as Japanese coordinator to this project
>> (i.e. handling bugs in bugzilla, commiting from other Japanese contributors)
>> until someone appears.
>> So, please go ahead and make replacement of the Japanese coordinator
>> in this project as Kusano-san requested.
>> Anyway, many thanks for all of the members in this GTP project.
>> I had really good experiences and meny helps since I take part in.
>> I will continue to contribute small for a while.
>> Takeshi.
> Thanks to Takeshi for your great contributions to Japanese translations.
> I'll try to work for Japanese l10n team.
>> 2009/5/7 Simos Xenitellis <simos.li...@googlemail.com>:
>> (snip)
>>> Hi Takayuki,
>>> Looking at http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/ja/
>>> and (for example)
>>> http://git.gnome.org/cgit/pessulus/commit/?id=2e1df205ec204522b992c2617d115637651b4f07
>>> it appears there is recent work by Takeshi AIHANA.
>>> GNOME 2.26 is translated to almost 100%.
>>> Can you get in contact with Takeshi and arrange how you would prefer to 
>>> evolve
>>> the Japanese GNOME Translation Team?
> Simos-san, could you update information for Japanese translation team?

I just updated the details,

1. I changed the role of Takeshi to 'Committer' for the Japanese Team
(from 'Coordinator')
2. I changed the role of Takayuki to 'Coordinator' for the Japanese
Team (from 'Translator')
3. I took the initiative to add the Japanese mailing and mailing list
address in the team settings from http://www.gnome.gr.jp/

The result is

Do tell me if you need any further changes in the settings.

Thanks to both for your work in the Japanese GNOME Localisation team,

>>> In order to re-activate your CVS account, have a look at
>>> http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/RequestingAnAccount
> Okay, I'll try to follow this instructions to reactivate my accounts.
> --
>  KUSANO Takayuki <http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~AE5T-KSN/>
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