On 5/7/09, Carsten Senger <sen...@rehfisch.de> wrote:
> Jens W. Klein schrieb:
> > Am Thu, 07 May 2009 11:59:18 +0200 schrieb Ramon Navarro Bosch:
> > [..]
> >
> > > As I was on the begining process that designed Plone WGO I can explain
> > > how it was expected to work the i18n:
> > >
> > > As gnome uses po/pot files to their translators and it wasn't possible
> > > to change we decided to use their po2xml/xml2po[1][2]. Using this
> > > software we where able to have a xml files for each translation, using
> > > xslt to create the correct xml that PloneMarshall(or XLIFF if it works
> > > correct on LinguaPlone) needs and import them using webdav.
> > >
> > [..]
> >
> > Ah! This is the missing bit and it makes much sense. I'am not good in
> XSLT, but I can integrate and update the XLIFF marshaller.
> >
>  There is also a mail from Quim about a dialog with someone from the
> translation team:
> http://mail.gnome.org/archives/marketing-list/2006-October/msg00142.html

If you need more recent feedback from translators regarding website
translation infrastructure, feel free to cc: the gnome-i18n@gnome.org
mailing list.

>  The mentioned python programs xml2po can be extended and gathered xhtml
> support since then. The actual repository is here:
>  http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-doc-utils/
>  ..Carsten

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