Hi, El dc 22 de 04 de 2009 a les 11:03 +0200, en/na Matej Urban va escriure: > Hello, > can someone kind enough, please, help me push the changes of Slovenian > translations. > Attached are three zip files. Thanks.
Everything pushed to git.gnome.org :) Just a quick question, the translations from 2.24 and 2.26 have to be also pushed to master? Cheers, > M! -- gil forcada [ca] guifi.net - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer [en] guifi.net - a non-stopping free network bloc: http://gil.badall.net _______________________________________________ gnome-i18n mailing list gnome-i18n@gnome.org http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-i18n