Just an update:

Apparently I can directly create CLDR survey tool accounts for GNOME
people directly. I will be checking my email over the weekend too, so
feel free to send me the account requests over the weekend, or any

I will try to document the whole process on live.gnome.org.


On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Roozbeh Pournader <rooz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Unicode CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository) version 1.7 is going
> through its latest phases of vetting. The GNOME Foundation is a
> liaison member of the Unicode Consortium, and we can vote on
> individual locale data entries to be published in the next version of
> There are plans to expose CLDR data through GNOME, and push
> applications to use the locale data available in CLDR, instead of the
> one in glibc. This would help various applications provide better
> sorting, better date and time formats, etc.
> More information about Unicode CLDR is available here:
> http://cldr.unicode.org/
> The present vetting phase ends in just four days, so it's a bit late
> in the process to do that. But I believe it's better to get the
> accounts while we can participate immediately, instead of later when
> there is no action going on.
> If you are interested in helping improve CLDR data for your language,
> please contact the coordinator for your language.
> If you are the coordinator, and your community is interested to
> participate in CLDR, please send me the contact information for one
> vetter per language: name, email address, locale name, CLDR locale
> code. (This can be the coordinator himself/herself, of course, and we
> can always change things later).
> The vetting process is explained here:
> http://cldr.unicode.org/index/survey-tool/vetting
> The CLDR process (including how votes are counted) is explained here:
> http://cldr.unicode.org/index/process
> If you are interested in doing this for CLDR 1.7, please send me the
> contact information for your language CLDR contact *as soon as
> possible*. I plan to send the first list of names, accounts, and
> languages in 24 hours. (Disclaimer: I can't promise Unicode staff will
> be able to give us the accounts in time.)
> But don't worry if you couldn't make that deadline. I don't think we
> will be using CLDR 1.7 data in GNOME, and there is plenty of time for
> next release. Just send me the information when you decided who will
> be doing the CLDR work for your language. The 24-hour deadline is for
> people who have the time this weekend and are interested in playing
> with the CLDR survey tool *now*.
> Legal note: The CLDR data is licensed under a variety of the MIT
> license. This means that while we can use the CLDR data in GNOME's
> LGPL and GPL-licensed project code and data, we cannot simply take
> GNOME's copylefted data and put it back in CLDR without permission
> from all the translators of that data. So, be careful with copying and
> pasting.
> Roozbeh
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