2009-02-19 klockan 15:25 skrev Alexander Larsson:
> On Thu, 2009-02-19 at 00:32 +0100, Daniel Nylander wrote:
> > ons 2009-02-18 klockan 15:17 +0000 skrev Alexander Larsson:
> > > _("You cannot move a file over itself.")
> > > _("You cannot copy a file over itself.")
> > > _("The source file is overwritten by the destination.")
> > Can you please describe exactly what "The source file is overwritten by
> > the destination." means? Is it something that is happening, will happen
> > or has happened already?
> Its what would happen if we continued, but we've detected this and are
> showing an error dialog saying this.
> Perhaps not an ideal string, any improvements are accepted gladly.

This sentence:

  "The source file is overwritten by the destination."

...implies something is about to happen, but from your explanation I
understand that this error is shown when something was *prevented* to
happen. So, I'd suggest changing it to something like this:

  "Source file cannot be overwritten by the destination file."

Does that make any sense?

    — Wouter

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