2009/1/19 Vincent Untz <vu...@gnome.org>:
> Le lundi 19 janvier 2009, à 16:20 +0100, Gil Forcada a écrit :
>> El dl 19 de 01 de 2009 a les 14:52 +0100, en/na Kenneth Nielsen va
>> escriure:
>> > 2009/1/19 Åsmund Skjæveland <asmund.skjavel...@bio.uio.no>:
>> > > Would it be possible to decide that all module must use have a ChangeLog
>> > > in the po/ directories, and then maintainers can do as they please
>> > > elsewhere in the module?
>> >
>> > As far as I understand, that IS the current policy. There is just some
>> > module maintainers that have chosen to ignore that.
>> Then, should we ask release-team to make a formal call?
> Can you come up with a list of all modules for which you have this
> issue? Then, yes, send a mail to the release team.
> Vincent

That's partly scriptable. At the very least it is possible to identify
the modules that don't even have a ChangeLog file in the po directory.
If I run the following command in my local GNOME SVN repository

for module in *;do if [ -f $module/trunk/po/ChangeLog ];then echo -n
""; else echo "$module NOT OK";fi;done

I get the following list:

divifund NOT OK
epiphany NOT OK
gnome-devel-docs NOT OK
gnome-terminal NOT OK
gnome-user-docs NOT OK
gucharmap NOT OK
release-notes NOT OK
seahorse-plugins NOT OK

For the rest of them, the ones that have a ChangeLog file but where
there is a text in it that says not to use it, it is slightly more
difficult. One criterium that might work is test whether the ChangeLog
file has been modified in SVN during say the last 6 months, but that's
a little over my head scripting wise. Otherwise we wil have to compile
the list by hand

Regards Kenneth Nielsen

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