That would be a good news.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Simos Xenitellis
<> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 12:57 PM, Matej Urban <> wrote:
>> Thanks, Gil,
>> I will wait and see, but since I'm a translator/mantainer and since I
>> doubt I will be able to upload many files at once, the only difference
>> so far I see, is that I will replace keyboard keystrokes for mouse
>> clicks. There will be no changelog, which is an improvement :)
>> Anyhow, in the end I will use whatever I'll need to do it, but keep
>> nagging about it. For some reason, I really doubt that single dir for
>> all po files, is a big programing deal. No obsolete clicks, no hassle,
>> just pure translation work.
> For the part where you would want to upload several PO files in one
> go, it should be feasible to adapt damned-lies (as soon as single PO
> file uploads are enabled) to upload .tar.gz archives of several PO
> files.
> I created a bug report about this at
> "Allow to also commit archives of PO files (instead of single PO files)"
> Simos
>> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 1:46 PM, Gil Forcada <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Actually a lot has changed:
>>> - for advanced-translators the same workflow will be maintained.
>>> - for plain translators a web interface to commit languages will be
>>> provided.
>>> So I think you fall in the second option and thus you will need to have
>>> access to to download updated po files (like you
>>> can do right know), track its status (like as of January you can do
>>> right now) and commit them in source repositories (like you will be able
>>> to do in a not-so-distant-future, Claude said it has a beta working
>>> version that does this, I'm right Claude?)
>>> So, all in all, your workflow will be a lot improved since you will only
>>> have to download and upload files from/to :)
>>> Hope I haven't said any lie!
>>> Cheers,
>>> El dl 19 de 01 de 2009 a les 13:38 +0100, en/na Matej Urban va escriure:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm really trying to understand the changes. The title sais:
>>>> Using Git and separating translations into their own l10n-LL repository
>>>> The title implies that ALL and ONLY po files from ALL the languages UI
>>>> and HELP will fall into "l10n-LL" repository, but that will not be the
>>>> case, as I understand. I really don't know why this is so unpopular
>>>> among developers.
>>>> I posted a bug and
>>>> also a reminder that I don't fill-in the changelog entries. I can not
>>>> find those great "scripts" in the gnome archive, that will do all the
>>>> work in my place, nor can I write one, so doing it step by step is the
>>>> only way I know. It takes TOO much time, TOO much bandwidth and TOO
>>>> much space to maintain the language. Putting/linking/sync all po files
>>>> in one single dir solves many problems for coords like myself.
>>>> Please, guys, check again if there is a way to do that. Last
>>>> coordinator dropped out of the translation game because this updating
>>>> took too much of everything, especially his time.
>>>> Matej
>>> --
>>> gil forcada
>>> [ca] - una xarxa lliure que no para de créixer
>>> [en] - a non-stopping free network
>>> bloc:
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