
Everything is in the live:

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El dl 19 de 01 de 2009 a les 12:48 +0200, en/na Peteris Krisjanis va
> Hi people!
> My name is Peteris Krisjanis and I was one of first Latvian language
> team leaders. I was absent from regular translation for rather long
> time, but for last year and half I have returned with regular commits,
> though to Ubuntu Launchpad. Now I plan to do regular sync between
> GNOME upstream translations and Ubuntu ones, so I have talked with
> current team leader Raivis Dejus, which agreed that I take over
> leadership again (another reason is Raivis having additional
> commitments this year).
> How do I apply for SVN account? What information I need to provide 
> additionally?
> Already thanks for information,
> Cheers,
> Peter.
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> gnome-i18n@gnome.org
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