Hi Marcel,

Marcel Telka píše v Ne 11. 01. 2009 v 13:53 +0100:
> > > Em Dom, 2009-01-11 às 02:43 +0100, Marcel Telka escreveu:
> > >  > Please remove note about possible coordinator change for Slovak team
> > >  > from the http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/TeamChangesState 
> > > page.

> The situation described at the page was valid in mid-2007. In that time
> it was true. I was very overloaded and I was unresponsive to e-mail from
> our Slovak translators for about a year (maybe longer). During that
> period my commit activity was zero too.
> Since approx. October 2007 I started again engage in the GNOME
> translation project and now the situation is better (not ideal, but much
> better :-)).

Which leads me to the question: What is missing to get an ideal

http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/sk/ names two translators, but no
reviewers. https://lists.linux.sk seems to be down for me (wanted to
take a look at the archives).
*If* there's a bootleneck somewhere in the Slovak translation progress
it would be good to identify it. Missing enough Slovak translators and
contributions in general? Only one or two people that review
contributions? Or do you need more people with svn commit permissions?

GNOME Bugzilla lists 38 open bug reports against the Slovak translation
which is quite a lot, so there are people around interesting in
improvements. In the last 90 days, 13 reports have been filed. 1 has
been closed.
On the other hand I see that 23 sk.po files have been updated in the
last 90 days - sounds like good progress, even more surprising to me
that the stats on http://l10n.gnome.org/languages/sk/ do not reflect

Interested in helping out if somehow possible,
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