Hi Stéphane, Claude,

Yesterday at 15:24, Stéphane Raimbault wrote:
> You like Damned Lies and Vertimus, we too, so we have merged both!

I want to congratulate you on the work you've done!  This is an
amazing achievement, so thank you on behalf of everyone who's going to
end up using this tool. :)

> The new Damned Lies offers a new reviewing workflow. If you're a
> translator, you can join one or many teams and reserve a module for
> translation. Once your work is ready, you can upload the PO file on
> http://l10n.gnome.org and then a reviewer of this team will review your
> work for approval. A committer is still required to eventually commit
> the file in the GNOME SVN.
> DL is able to send an email to your team mailing list to notify about
> important actions.

I also feel sorry that some features from previous damned-lies version
are now gone (like XML data, which could easily have been used by
per-team websites and/or desktop applications).  Can you please
provide everyone with details of what existing features are now gone
and what they are replaced with (if there is an equivalent)?

I am not familiar with Django, so I doubt I'll be able to help with
further development (at least in the next year or so): still, I don't
doubt you will keep up the good work. :)

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