On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 16:02, Claude Paroz <cla...@2xlibre.net> wrote:
> Le mardi 30 décembre 2008 à 12:47 +0100, Jorge González a écrit :
>> Hi,
> Hi Jorge,
>> I've noticed there are several issues at the new DL site:
>>  * To edit the user profile, the link provided
>> http://l10n.gnome.org/users/jorgegonz/edit/edit is broken, it should
>> not have the last "/edit" (the link is provided by a sheet and
>> magnifying glass icon).
> Fixed.
>> * At the user profile page, the language is not translated, although I
>> remember I saw the variable at the string when translating it.
> Yes, work in progress. There is still some untranslatable chunks here
> and there.
I thought so, thanks.

>> * Can't I change my password? I find it pretty difficult to remember
>> the given one.
> Stéphane is working on this.
>> * I personally dislike the new layout where the docs and the UI pages
>> are separated, it takes much longer to download a po file.
> The separation of ui and doc in itself shouldn't add more clicks to
> download po files. But the fact that the downloadable po is now on the
> "vertimus" page adds one more click. However, with the new workflow, it
> is very important that translators see the workflow status *before*
> downloading the file, unless duplicate work may easily happen.
>> * I do not have permission to see the files I myself uploaded.
> Weird, because files should be world-readable. Please point us to a
> specific case or open a bug report.
Already fixed with your last email to the list.

>> * Is there a way to approve the uploaded translations? or all the
>> process must be done manually like before.
> The commit process is still manual. One thing at a time :-)
Fine, I can't wait to see it soon :)

>> I know you probably spent so much time improving the site, therefore I
>> want to thank you for all the work done, but also to point out what
>> doesn't work (yet) and/or how the new features work.
> Thanks, this helps.
> Claude

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