On Sun, 2008-12-14 at 19:09 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Sonntag, den 14.12.2008, 18:16 +0100 schrieb Philippe Rouquier:
> > The title says it all: a new version of brasero has just been
> > released. It has also been branched to start developping new features.
> > trunk will now host development version while the stable version will
> > be in branches/brasero_0_8.
> > 
> > On this topic, next version of brasero should be split between a
> > library and the application itself. A plugin for totem is also in the
> > works.
> So the proposal for inclusion in GNOME 2.26 refers to the brasero_0_8
> branch and not to trunk, I assume?
> Need to know for testing and translations.
This is Philippe decision i'm not sure if we can deliver all plans for
0.9 (the library) that were proposed during the inclusion thread. Please
give us a day or two to give a final answer about it.
Maybe it's too late for other modules adopt the library if it's the


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