I think this change with user panel layout, if user puts panel on below of
screen the first item is not same that default, on top screen.
Maybe is undesirable change menu sort based on default layout, panel on top.

A solution could be reverse sort order when panel is located on below of
screen and each menu item message define a numeric order, as below example:
msgstr "1|Accessories"

Sorry my bad english.

2008/11/10 Djihed Afifi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> Ref: bug #560119
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=560119
> In the main menu under applications, there are a number of entries:
> "Accessories", "Others", "Programming", etc...
> When translated for Arabic, the word "Others" has the highest order,
> and thus by default, it is placed first in the list.
> This is less than satisfactory, it would be more logical to have
> "Others" at the end of the list, after "Accessories", "Systems tools",
> and the rest of them. I've had multiple complaints about this.
> One solution is to place "Others" by default at the end of the list
> for all languages. Does this seem like a weird solution to you?
> Obviously, there is the argument of whether to order them strictly
> alphabetically or logically. But for this one menu item "Others", it
> seems to me that it is much more logical and appealing to have that
> item at the end of the list.
> Thoughts?
> Djihed
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