This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on:

There have been following string additions to module 'seahorse.HEAD':

    + "%s is a private key. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
    + "About this program"
    + "Change preferences for this program"
    + "Contributions:"
    + "Copied keys"
    + "Copy public part of selected keys to the clipboard"
    + "Couldn't delete."
    + "Couldn't retrieve data from key server"
    + "Delete selected keys"
    + "Deleting..."
    + "E_xport Public Key..."
    + "Export public key"
    + "Export public part of key to a file"
    + "Exporting keys"
    + "One or more of the deleted keys are private keys. Are you sure you want 
to proceed?"
    + "P_roperties"
    + "Prefere_nces"
    + "Retrieving keys"
    + "Seahorse Project Homepage"
    + "Show Seahorse help"
    + "Show key properties"
    + "_About"
    + "_Contents"
    + "_Copy Public Key"
    + "_Delete Key"
    + "_Edit"
    + "_Help"
    + "_Key"
    + "_View"

Note that this doesn't directly indicate a string freeze break, but it
might be worth investigating.
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