The pt_BR GNOME l10n team did some terminology fixes for Glade 3, and
with the last minute change from trunk to gnome-2-22 we sort of lost
them. Even worse, I committed other terminoly fixes to the gnome-2-22,
before importing the previous fixes from trunk. This is how I managed to
merge the fixes from the two branches; I hope these steps are useful for
other teams as well.

First, check out the glade3/gnome-2-22/po dir as usual. Run "svn info
pt_BR.po" to see the SVN URL for that file (change pt_BR for your locale
code, of course). Now run "svn cat ANOTHER_URL > pt_BR.po.trunk", where
ANOTHER_URL is the same URL as in the output of "svn info", but
replacing "branches/gnome-2-22/" with "trunk/". Now you have the two
versions in you hard disc, but merging them won't be easy yet. Run
"msgmerge -U pt_BR.po.trunk pt_BR.po", which will make pt_BR.po.trunk
have the same original messages and "#. " lines as pt_BR.po, making the
diff much easier to read. Now you can use meld or any other tool to
"cherry-pick" fixes from trunk to gnome-2-22. Update the ChangeLog and
commit as usual.

Leonardo Fontenelle

gnome-i18n mailing list

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