Em Sex, 2008-08-29 às 16:36 +0530, Danishka Navin escreveu:
> Folks,
> I am doing a workshop on gnome localization for Sinhala (si) locale
> [1].
> Date: 3rd September 2008
> Location: Metatechno, WTC Colombo, Sri Lanka
> Target: to increase the gnome Sinhala translation status by 30% within
> next two months
> I am planning to work on trunk not branches.
> Is it ok?
> [1] http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/si

It's perfect. For most modules, "trunk" means what will be released as
GNOME 2.24. Please notice that a few modules (e.g. metacity and
epiphany) alredy branched for GNOME 2.24. For those modules, you should
probably translate that branch, and latter copy the message catalogs to

Leonardo Fontenelle

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