Hello Og,
Hi Daniel,

Thank you for chimming in about this topic. I also have a great deal
of respect for all the quality assurance that we, GNOME translators,
have so hard fought to establish. I can assure you that when I set up
my app to be translated via Rosetta, I made sure that only official
team members of the Ubuntu translators team could perfom it. As you
can see from the Swedish translation (for BillReminder) page:
Please don't rely on this as a measure of quality assurance. Some downstream translation teams will accept anyone and everyone who asks. When I sought to join the team for my language, I never once spoke with the coordinator or demonstrated any sort of suitability for the job. Requests to join are rubber-stamped and as a result the Ubuntu translation of GNOME for my language is significantly worse than upstream. This is a standing problem and one with no easy solution. Importing translations from Launchpad could potentially do great harm to the work of upstream translators with no recourse save to constantly revert. Please don't do it.

Sean Burke
gnome-i18n mailing list

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