2008/8/7 Wouter Bolsterlee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 2008-08-07 klockan 10:36 skrev Simos Xenitellis:
>> When you generate an "SSH key pair", the program creates two files.
>> You put one file at the GNOME Account registration page (Mango), and
>> the other file, "id_rsa.pub", you need to put it in your home
>> directory, inside the ".ssh/" subdirectory. You have to do this step,
>> and you need to keep "id_rsa.pub" safe because it links you with the
>> other key you have put at Mango on GNOME. If you install Linux again,
>> you need to take backup of the "id_rsa.pub" file.
> Eh, it's the other way around. The .pub file is public, the other is NOT. If
> you EVER provide your private key (id_rsa without .pub) to someone else (or
> paste it into Mango) then you should consider your key compromised and NEVER
> use it again. NEVER EVER share your private key. Keep it safe (and warm) at
> all times on a trusted medium. Additoinally you REALLY SHOULD have a
> passphrase on your private key, so that the file itself is not directly
> usable. Ssh-agent (or seahorse-agent) caches the passphrase anyway, so you
> only have to type it once. The security benefits are MAJOR.
> Again, NEVER provide your private key to someone else.

Yes, you are right! I mixed up my keys.

In any case, the documentation at http://live.gnome.org/NewAccounts
stands solid.

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