On 8/5/08, Mișu Moldovan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Christian Rose" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a scris:
> > >  > > What steps need to be performed for a svn account for Mișu?
>  > >  >
>  > >  > http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/RequestingAnAccount
>  > >  > http://live.gnome.org/NewAccounts
>  > >  >
>  > >  > Good reading :-)
> > >  I have already applied for GNOME Foundation membership. I'll wait
>  > > for a resolution to that first as I don't want to go through the
>  > > account requests procedure more than once (I need both the SVN
>  > > account and the gnome.org alias).
>  >
> > Mișu, if you are patient and able to wait, that's fine of course, but
>  > I just wanted to give some insight in that SVN accounts and GNOME
>  > Foundation membership are two entirely different matters, and handled
>  > seperately from each other by different people.
>  > So technically there's nothing stopping you from requesting an SVN
>  > account right now, using the instructions above.
>  I'm patient and Mugurel is still available for commits. However, it's
>  been over one month since I've applied for the GNOME Foundation
>  membership and still no replies to my initial request and to my
>  follow-up 33 days later on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] . What shall I do next in this
>  regard, Christian? I remember your mail a couple of years ago asking us
>  to apply for membership, I hope you are more informed on this matter.

I don't know. I have no insight in Foundation membership handling --
that's processed by the Foundation membership committee. However, I
don't think 1 month is alarming -- if there is something I know about
the membership committee, it's that they are volunteers just like us.
So please be patient.

>  I also hope gnome-i18n subscribers won't mind the details on becoming a
>  GNOME Foundations membership, translators can apply for GNOME Foundation
>  membership just like any other contributor.

Yes, certainly! There are plenty of translators who have applied for
and received Foundation membership. I also recommend every translator
who wants to have more to say in how GNOME is governed to apply for
Foundation membership: http://foundation.gnome.org/.

>  Thank you for updating http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/ro .

Claude did that. :-)

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