On 7/25/08, Christian Rose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  As Claude already said, we already have an official way of declaring a
>  module "dead": By moving it to the SVN Archive
>  (http://svn-archive.gnome.org/). If you suspect some module is really
>  dead (no maintainer or no new releases planned), please do some
>  research (and contact maintainers to get it confirmed), and then let

I should add that all help with these kind of investigations are much
apprechiated -- more often than not, translators are the ones who
first discover that a particular module is dead, but still haven't
been reported and marked as dead by being moved to the SVN Archive.
The SVN admins are overworked and do not have the resources to do
these investigations, and much appreciate help with reporting this
kind of things, in order to keep SVN clean by moving the dead modules
to the archive.

But please do the homework first, by actually asking the maintainer if
it's dead or not first, before you report the module as being dead to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Please also attach some confirmation (e.g. mail
from maintainer saying the module is dead) when reporting a dead

Thanks a bunch,

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