My name is: Mohammad Moulai My Bugzilla account is: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My language is: Persian ( پارسی ). The ISO 639 code of Persian language is: fa I wanna start a new team to translate gnome in persian Please read: As a matter of fact I know there is a team (, But this team is useless.Meaningless translations. Mr. Roozbeh Pournader is just one person and doesn't accept anyone else to bacame a member of team and help the translation of gnome project. He says " It's just me to translate". There are millions of Persian Linux users and just a person can translate the gnome? In Persian forums such as ( "Alan Baghumian" ) which is know between Persian Linux users, We have discussions about translations of Mr. Pournader and at last every one figure outs that we should have a team in gnome translation page to have a better translation instead of using Pournaders' translations.
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