Le lundi 21 avril 2008 à 18:12 -0300, Leonardo F. Fontenelle a écrit :
> Em Sáb, 2008-04-19 às 19:12 -0500, Guilherme de S. Pastore escreveu: 
> > [...]
> > I hereby tender my resignation from my role as Brazilian Portuguese
> > Translation Coordinator in the GNOME Project, and appoint Leonardo
> > Ferreira Fontenelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> to succeed me in this
> > one, particular task. The resignation shall be effective from the
> > moment Leonardo has accepted the duty and this message has been
> > acknowledged by at least one of the GNOME Translation Project
> > coordinators.
> > [...]
> I'd like to thank Guilherme de Siqueira Pastore for appointing me, and I
> fully accept the team coordination responsibilities [1]. My first action
> will be scheduling an IRC meeting with the team to discuss our work flow
> and what do they expect from me.
> 1.
> http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/TeamCoordinatorResponsibilities

I cannot say welcome to Leonardo :-) So... good luck !


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