On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 2:49 AM, Axel Hecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I personally consider this a glibc bug. From the comments I read, it
>  seems that Danilo thinks so, too, but doesn't care enough to block on
>  it.
>  FWIW, if this would bubble up to Mozilla, I'd wontfix it. Not that I
>  see any likelyhood for something with '_' and '@' to do that, but
>  still, just as a datapoint.
>  Disclaimer, I don't have anything to say about or for Gnome, or
>  Serbian, though, someone who does should step up.

No point in being stubborn about it.
If different parts of the OS disagree about locale labels, everybody looses
(or at least those poor Serbians...)
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