Hey everybody
I'm writing to this list even though this question isn't only
pertaining to translation, but that is the way I found it.
I haven't bookmarked the gnome bugzilla site therefore I always find
it via google. So I fire up google and search for "gnome bugzilla".
The first result in the list is the correct one bugzilla.gnome.org but
the description of the link is weird, because it makes it look like
it's only the bugtracker for Gimp. The text on the link is this

Gnome Ticket Reports - Package Gimp
List of known bugs in Gimp.

Does anybody know why this happens? That may make it more difficult
for new people to find the bugtracker and obviously we don't want that
to happen. Originally I though it was due to the restructuring of the
website, which is why I haven't reported it before, because this
"error" has been there for quite a while, at least a year.

Regards Kenneth Nielsen
gnome-i18n mailing list

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