2008/1/25 Mathias Hasselmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Oh, I fully understand this objections: On Ubuntu Pidgin's reconnect
> dialog still says "Verbunden", instead of "Verbinden" for over a year
> now. Despite the fact, that Rosetta has a correction request...
> I hate downstream translations...
> Ciao,
> Mathias
> --

More so aggravated by the uncertainty we have with what the Rosetta
developers want from Rosetta (Launchpad).

At times we've been promised that upstream translations would be
"locked", or that there would be some sort of mechanism to preserve
upstream translations.

Then some developers want the status quo because this makes it
possible for launchpad translators to correct the odd 1 in 10000
strings. Or because it makes it possible to continue translations. Now
I don't know what they want any more.

Sometimes, this mess makes ubuntu miss releasing translations. Glade-3
in ubuntu came without translations *at all* despite it being 100%
translated to over 20 languages.

This is getting political, but I just hate this situation and I shake
my head every time I see weird strings in ubuntu GNOME interfaces.

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