2007/9/19, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Stéphane Raimbault wrote:
>  > I want to patch Balsa to add context informations but the strings are
>  > used in a initializer so the macro Q_ is not appropriated:
> I had a similar problem. You can't use Q_ in an array initializer.
> Instead, I added a comment for translators before the array initializer,
> and added context info for other identical strings that were not in
> array initializers, so that the strings would not be merged.
> See http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/gthumb?view=revision&revision=1971 for
> an example of what I mean.

Yes, I know, this revision fixed my bug report #468343!
You are right but it's not a clean solution, what do you do when 2
strings in conflict are used in arrays initializers?
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