Loved the idea!

Leonardo Fontenelle

2007/9/13, Clytie Siddall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi everyone :)
> Each time I'm trying to work out what has changed in the most recent
> version of the Release Notes, I think "Why don't we use msgid-previous?"
> So, why don't we? :)
> msgid-previous, like msgctxt, is a new feature available in the more
> recent gettext packages.
> This feature allows translators to diff between different
> versions of strings. It is particularly useful when a string is
> complex or
> long and detailed. When a string has changed, the PO file looks like
> this
> (simple and brief example):
> #, string header
> msgid-previous "This is the old string"
> msgid "This is the new string"
> msgstr "This is the old string translated"
> The translation editor can highlight the changed words, in this case,
> "old" and "new" in msgid-previous and msgid. It's a big help in updating
> files. Without msgid-previous, when you notice a doc paragraph has been
> changed (fuzzy), it sometimes takes less time to translate the whole
> thing
> again, than it does to pick through it and try to work out what has
> changed. So msgid-previous saves us translation time, and ensures we
> focus
> on what has actually changed in the string.
> Could we use this, please?
> from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm
> Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)
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