Am Montag, den 10.09.2007, 22:23 +0200 schrieb Jorge González González:
> El lun, 10-09-2007 a las 16:16 -0400, Og Maciel escribió:
> > Hey guys, not for nothing, but what is the point of having string
> > freezes and not following it????
> I was thinking exactly the same. 
> Could DL send an email to developers? something like "WE ARE IN STRING
> FREEZE, BRANCH YOUR CODE AND RESPECT IT" in capital huge 56pt letter?
> No, really, there are string freeze breaks almost every day, c'mon.

regarding the epiphany string change:
this was announced:
and this is NOT a string freeze break:

*if* there are string freeze breaks, please complain on this mailing
list, and CC the committer if possible (if not, "svn username +" should also hopefully work as a fallback).


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