Hi Sebastian! YOU broke string freeze - that's bad!
See: http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/deskbar-applet/trunk/data/deskbar-applet.schemas.in?r1=1645&r2=1644&pathrev=1645 Please read http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/HandlingStringFreezes and act appropriate because otherwise bad things may happen - you have been warned! Regards, Johannes GNOME Status Pages schrieb: > This is an automatic notification from status generation scripts on: > http://l10n.gnome.org/. > > There have been following string additions to module 'deskbar-applet.HEAD': > > + "The default position of the window on the screen (x-coordinate)" > + "The default position of the window on the screen (y-coordinate)" > + "X-coordinate of window" > + "Y-coordinate of window" > > Note that this doesn't directly indicate a string freeze break, but it > might be worth investigating. > _______________________________________________ > gnome-i18n mailing list > gnome-i18n@gnome.org > http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gnome-i18n >
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