On Wed, 2007-08-08 at 10:32 +0300, Lucas Rocha wrote:
> Hi,
> Shouldn't all GNOME applications use the same name for equivalent UI
> elements? Currently, we have:
> Evince: Side Pane
> Eye of GNOME: Side Pane
> Gedit: Side Pane
> Nautilus: Sidebar (Proposed)
> Totem: Sidebar
> Personally, I prefer "Pane" instead of "Bar". IMO, "Bar" is something
> more suitable for menubar or toolbar (ah, and of course to drink some
> beers! :-P)

I care only that they all have the same name, and the same accellerator
key (F9). I think Pane is more correct.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y_______
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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