Hi, Claude

>> What should I do in the case that Marcel will not respond until the due 
>> date? Should I send the files somewhere?
> You can post .po files in Bugzilla bug reports [2], and then write to
> this list so someone can commit them for you.

I have posted them recently, and will keep posting new, until anything 
new happens ;-)

> If Marcel doesn't answer in the next month, tell this list again. We'll
> see what we can do.

Well, Marcel haven't responded yet, since 18.5.2007. However, I see his 
post on this mailing list at 22.6.2007! Even the address seems correct. 
So I have sent him a mail again 25.7.2007, however no response so far.

Marcel, where are You? :-)

Could someone from GTP try to contact him? Or suggest anything?

I know there is still some time remaining until GNOME 2.20, so no reason 
for stress so far. I just posted the translations to give them "out of 
my hands" so that they could easily proceed when the time comes..

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