Le lundi 25 juin 2007 à 19:36 +0200, Helge Kreutzmann a écrit :
> Hello,
> (please CC: me, I am not subscribed)
> I am the Debian maintainer for goobox. The previous maintainer wrote an 
> (English) man page for goobox using Docbook. I translated this man
> page to German.

Hi Helge,

Before writing a more complete answer, I'd like to be sure we're talking
about the same thing. When you are referring to Docbook file, I suppose
it's the "regular" help file [1], open generally by Yelp through the
Help -> Contents menu item.

For me, a man page is in a classical (groff) man format.

But I may be wrong. Is it a special case with a Docbook source file
generating a man page? 



[1] http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/goobox/trunk/help/C/goobox.xml

> Now a new version of goobox (1.9.1) appeared and I updated the English 
> man page and I intend to update the German version, as well as ask for
> more languages. In Debian, the po4a[1] framework is used for this, as it
> provides a convenient way to detect changes in the original (English)
> man page and conveniently update the translations (in the well known
> po file format).
> The author of goobox would like to include the man page as well as all
> translations. Thus he asked me to inquire here, how man page
> translations are handled within the GNOME project, i.e. which tools
> are used to synchronise the original and all translated versions.
> Thanks for the pointers!
> Greetings
>            Helge
> [1] http://packages.debian.org/stable/text/po4a

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