
Am Mittwoch, den 06.06.2007, 12:18 +0200 schrieb Daniel Nylander:
> I just wanted to inform you translators that there are some extra
> translation work needed to complete the Evolution localization.
> The regular PO file is translated in 76(!) languages
> The default welcome mail is only translated in 11 languages
> (de  es  fi  fr  ja  lt  mk  nl  pt  sv  zh_CN)
> It is located in the "evolution/mail/default" directory

also see bug 206066. this is not trivial, translators committing this
please also make sure that there is evolution/mail/$LANG/Makefile.am
exists, that the LANG code is added to
evolution/mail/default/Makefile.am, and that the full path to the
Makefile is added to evolution/configure.in  under "dnl Makefiles".

> The Quick Reference PDF file is only translated in 3 languages
> (de es sv)
> It is located in the "evolution/help/quickref" directory

please read http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=307856 comments 3
and 4 for a how-to!

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