I've just branched gnome-doc-utils for Gnome 2.18.  Stable
old stuff is on the gnome-2-18 branch.  New hotness is on

Plans for 2.20:
* Easier color and icon theme stuff
* More visually appealing default rendering
* Improved support for RTL languages
* Various changes to make library.gnome.org work better
* Merging Mallard into the mainline
  ♫ Mallard on the main line ♫ Tell it what you want ♫

I also have plans for substantial changes to the localization
system that will make translators' jobs easier.  But this will
probably be 2.22 material, as it will require work on intltool.

IMPORTANT: The templates and parameters in the DocBook XSLT
will change on trunk.  These changes will not be compatible
with older releases.  This means that if you have custom XSLT
built off of gnome-doc-utils, you may need to make changes to
work with trunk.  It also means that you should not use older
Yelp releases with gnome-doc-utils trunk.


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