On Mon, 2007-03-19 at 22:08 +0100, Claude Paroz wrote:
> Le lundi 19 mars 2007 à 15:01 -0500, Shaun McCance a écrit :
> > I've just made the first ever release of gnome-devel-docs.
> > This recently revived module contains documentation for
> > people developing against our platform.  Currently, it
> > contains the Platform Overview, the GDP Handbook, and
> > the GDP Style Guide.  A rough list of planned documents
> > can be found here:
> > 
> > http://live.gnome.org/DeveloperGuides
> > 
> > Get it here:
> > 
> > http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gnome-devel-docs/2.19/
> > 
> > If you want to help us provide rock-solid developer
> > documentation to match our rock-solid platform, join
> > us in #docs on irc.gnome.org, or send an email to
> Thanks Shaun,
> With a translator point of view, I assume that "Platform overview" is
> the only doc that is currently worth translating, right ?

I believe it's the most important to translate right
now, yes.  Our documentation is generally written in
English, so it's not that big of a deal for the Style
Guide and Handbook to be English-only.

On the other hand, the Handbook might provide information
that's useful to translators as they're translating our

The Style Guide, though, is largely English-dependent.
There's probably some information in there that's useful
to other languages, but a direct translation probably
wouldn't make much sense.

I do think a properly *localized* (as opposed to simply
translated) version of the Style Guide would be useful.
But I don't know how we can coordinate such localizations
with our current tools.

I'm CCing gnome-i18n to get ideas.


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