Dear Friends,

Despite several attempts to contact the Team Admin of Kurdish Translation I
get no response regards to the current progress
of the Translation or joining the team, As I am sure you are already aware
this Team has not released any files what so ever. and Last Update to site
was on May, 24, 2005.

We already had the same issue with KDE and we have manage to solve it by
Taking over the Project only recently.

As I am sure you have this kind of situations everyday and people come and
go along in need of trying to do something for their language
but end up doing more damage.  Yet again I apologize for this direct
approach but we have no other option left.  There are probably hundreds of
people tried to join this team  and gave up when they received no feedback.

I have used Gnome for several years, And now I would like to see it in my
own language and let other people to use gnome in our own language.  People
who tried to contact this admin and got no response tried other alternatives
such as Translating a specific Distro Rather than the Gnome itself (eg.
Ubuntu-KU by Tojvin et-al )  As you will realise this only gives a temporary
solution to our problem where as we need get rid of the problem from root in
order to make sure this kind of problems dont happen again.

I am sure if you allow us to take this project over we will do more than
whats being done, at least we will reply to emails.

Hoping to hear from soon regards to this matter.

Best Regards.
Eren Erdemli
gnome-i18n mailing list

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